Monday, September 27, 2010

Literally, another Manic Monday

Apparently I looked frazzled enough for my boss to notice.  I kind of pulled a Kramer from Seinfeld as I entered my office this a.m.   I started taking some medication to help me sleep but apparently I need to give myself more time to sleep since I still feel the effects in the morning and my frazzled look is not hot.  However, I do feel better rested and I choose frazzled over no sleep.  Nothing else to report other than I went to they gym and worked out for 45 minutes.  It is going to be another one of those weeks with more dental work tomorrow, an appointment on Wed, 2 more on Thursday, and a meeting in Baltimore at 10am on Sunday.  I think the point of this week's entry is to continue to keep motivated.  I have maintained the 5lbs weight loss and for that I am happy.  I don't see making much more of a dent this week with the hectic schedule and the only way I have been able to lose weight in the past is by exercising like a maniac.  However, this time, I am deciding that slow and steady wins the race. I am proud of my reasonable 45 minute cardio workout today:)  Now, I need to go and led the meds work its magic.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Botox Isa... aka Thi Bich

 I did not really get botox but I feel that I got a glimpse of what those women may feel.  I had an appointment with a dentist and I can see why those botox women are so skinny.  The anesthesia they gave me really affected my jaw muscles.   I lost all control of my jaw muscles.  I can only open my mouth now 1/2 an inch. I can't even eat.  You would think I would lose the lbs this week but I decided to self treat with fro-yo since it is the only thing I can have.
Anyways, I think I really made my dentist's day.  I was speaking nonsense since I had also had theraflu that same day.  Let's just say I was very giddy and so not hot.  I don't understand why dentists ask you questions as there is a suction hose inside your mouth.  It is not like you can answer them.  At the end of the appointment, he suggested I rinse with listerine.  He was staring as me as I tried to rinse my mouth but since I could not control my muscles, babas (drool) combined with listerine came flowing down the sides of my mouth.  Very sexy! I think this makes his day.  After all, I was his last patient.  I should not be too hard on him. We all do things in our job to keep us sane.  For instance, I came across a student's name that was Thi Bich.  I laughed so hard my jaw literally hurts.  I think Thi Bich would be a nice middle name.  Isabel Thi Bich.  Anyways, this Thi really needs to get it together and get back on my workout routine.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Duck" Taping my heart rate monitor

I misplaced the band of my heart rate monitor so I decided to duck tape my heart rate monitor and put it inside my sports bra.  Yeah, that does not work.  Until I find it, I have not bee able to keep count of my calories.  I did manage to still make it to the gym on Monday and yesterday even though I was sick as a dog.  I woke up Sunday with a sore throat and a little cough.  By Monday, it got bad and today I couldn't even smell my gym bag.  Needless to say I am putting a hold on my work out routine.  Working out with a cold is not the best idea.  I had to go to the gym yesterday because I had another assessment with a trainer so I could not miss the work out.  I was so worried that my heart rate monitor would come off with duck tape as we were working out.  Luckily, it was just an assessment.  I did realize how much work I need to do.  He put me on a leg extension machine and I could only do 10lbs on both legs.  This is sad :(   Anyways, I am trying to not let that discourage me but it was very disheartening to see it.  At least I know what exercises to do to build the muscles again.  I think it will be very rewarding to see the end results.  I don't know how much time I will have to work out this week since I am sick and have things to do everyday after work.  I will also be driving five hours away to return a car I borrowed from my sister and flying back on Sunday :(  At least, I already made it twice to the gym this week.  This is just one of the weeks where life happens and you got to work with what you have.  I will try to make better choices with my nutrition this week since I won't be able to hit the gym as much.  However, I will be happy if I can just find my band and get rid of this cold! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Steam Room a la Mexicana

This week I have been pretty quite on this blog but I am happy to report I accomplished my goals despite a hectic week.  My week consisted of 3 doctor's appointments, test driving a car, and catching up with my good friends at my favorite restaurant Rosa Mexicana.   I treated myself to a great dinner this past Friday and no I don't feel guilty about it.  
Anyways, I also went to the gym and I realized that I do the steam room thing muy a la mexicana. I bring in my algas marinans or some green algae cream.  I think people can smell it and there is no way to hide it.  The neon green cream is all over my body.  Sexy.  Anyways, whatever it takes to accomplish goals.  As long as the staff at the gym don't know that I am the one that leaves them the nasty green towels.  Ohhhhyyyy (sorry)!!!!  I also realized that people for some reason like talking to me.  Like there is some magnetic force or a big billboard that says tell Isa your whole life story.  I was in the steam room and this lady started chatting me up telling me her issues.  I just listened patiently and like a good Mexican caught up on the gym chisme and told her I would see her at the Zumba class some day.   Well, I guess it was very appropriate for me to do steam room mexican style since this past week was Mexican independence day. No, I am not crazy. Cinco de mayo is not mexican independence day:) 

Monday, September 13, 2010

You are tight and lack stability

No, I did not hear this from a man.  Although it would be nice to hear it from one for a change(minus the lack of stability part of course). 
Instead,  I heard it from a personal trainer that did my assessment today.  The body part she was referring to that is tight are my shoulders.  After the accident, my shoulders were really swollen so I looked like a football player.  A year later, I am still very tight on all the wrong places.  I think it stems from the fact that I walk very guarded.  My body is in flight response, ready for the next attack.  Apparently this is a quite normal response. 
I also lacked stability in my knees.  That does not come to any surprise to me since I had ACL surgery over five years ago and never quite recovered from it.   
In a positive note, the trainer likes my calves, and cirque de solei flexibility.  And man, she has seen nothing yet.  
No count of kcals today to report. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I like it hot and sweaty

That is the way I like my Bikram Yoga.  I returned to my practice today and I feel one thousand times better.  I honestly believe that this is the only thing that will heal my body.  It allows me to listen to all the things that are going on inside.  You work out in a room that is about 105 degrees for 90 minutes.  My body is so stiff that I could literally hear my spine crack as I was attempting to do the stretches.  It is the one exercise where I can't cheat.  There are no knobs to turn down resistance and no downhill incline features.  It is just you, your mat, a towel, water, and your breath.   For some, gas is also present.  For me, my hairy legs accompanied me today.  I realized I forgot to shave some parts of my legs but I got over it.  I did wish I would have listened to the Vietnamese lady that tries to wax me every time I get a pedicure.  Oh well, the point is that I went, with hairy legs, but I went. 

Here is a little information from the Bikram website:

"Bikram Yoga is the 26 postures Sequence selected and developed by Bikram Choudhury from Hatha Yoga.

It has been proved and experienced by millions that these 26 postures systematically work every part of the body, to give all the internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function.  Each component takes care of something different in the body, and yet they all work together synergistically, contributing to the success of every other one, and extending its benefits."

I recommend that every person tries this at least once.  And if you try it once, give it another chance.  Soon, your mind will forget how hot it is and you will focus on the postures.  

 I also reached my goal by burning 880 calories putting me at a total of 3,602 this week! 102 over my 3,500 goal!!!

Next week's goals are not so brutal.  I just need to survive my session with a personal trainer and do one more yoga class.  In calories, only 1,500. 

Stats are looking good -4lbs in 2 weeks.  

Friday, September 10, 2010

I cheated on my work out buddy tonight

This is the only time I will condone cheating on someone. 
I think I have come up with the 1st commandment of Spandex Isa
"Thou may cheat on work out buddy"
Isa - 817 cals today = closer to goal! 
It is unbelievable how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to burn it. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I ate the personal trainer's dinner

I had a massive headache at work but I managed to power through it by taking some ibuprofen and go the gym.  As I was waiting for my dinner ( a smoothie), I start talking  with the fitness manage/director of the gym.   To make a long story short, she ended up feeding me her dinner (walnuts, apples, and some crunchy apple pecan things).    She thinks I need to consume more calories. I am already  a fan,  she had me at you need to eat more.  That was the best pick up line ever.  Seriously, I think she is right.  This would explain my anemia and all kinds of vitamin deficiencies I have.  Today, breakfast was a 30 calorie V8 juice, and lunch was a salad. No wonder I had a headache.  Then she started talking to me about the glycemic index and asked me if I knew what it was.  I played dumb because I wanted to know if she knew her stuff but secretly I wanted to tell her "lady I am the girl who pretended I was diabetic and got away with it (Ok the story is for another entry but it was for a good cause and I was being a good friend), of course I know what it is. "  I still don't know why she shared with me her dinner.  I want to think it is because she saw my petite frame but I know it is because she probably caught a good luck at my cleavage.  
Anyhow, I will have my free health assessment/personal training session Monday after work.  I will try to wear a more conservative shirt but then again she may not feed me if I am covered up.    Will have at least the weekend to think about my outfit for my date. 
Here are tonight's stats- 805 calories burned  according to "Polito."(my polar watch). 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This is not what I had in mind...

It has been brought to my attention that Spandex Isa may not be such a great blog name after all.
Let me be clear that... 

This is not what I had on mind

Nor this... 

But this...
now this is a thought... or at least enough to get me to Bikram Yoga this week. 

On another note, I did 1 1/2 hours of cardi0= 1,100 cals 

I need to make my goal of 3,500 by this Sunday! 

Spandex Isa

So there has been a little name change to this blog... it will now be Spandex Isa.  I think that is the most fitting name.  In college, I used to embarrass my friends by wearing spandex pants in SD to school.  But I think they will all agree that no one could pull that look off better than me.  That is not the case now... the thought of wearing them gives me anxiety of having major C_toe exposure. Anyways, I have also been asked about goals but I will dedicate another entry about that later.  I guess the ultimate goal is now to wear the little black spandex pants with the Kangoo Jumps.  For those who don't know, kangoo jumps are just as ridiculous as spandex pants and wearing them combined is worst.  I still have the kangoo jumps from my college years but not the black spandex pants so I guess I will have to buy myself a new pair once it is over.  I do promise to take photos around the world wearing them... OK so maybe not around the world but in front the White House will be a ridiculous shot... can't wait. Now off to the gym...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

From this... to last photo will be at the beach in Cancun

The beginning

This all started last week when I realized that after a year of immobility I had enough.  Now that I think about it the cheesy title that my work out buddy ( who will remain anonymous) came up with tonight is quite accurate.  Either I do this now or I die.  And no I am not exaggerating. As many of you know, I was involved in a serious car accident over a year ago.  I am lucky to be alive but I was not able to move for a few months.   OK, so maybe for over year. I want to start this blog to show that we can achieve things we think are impossible and to get the strength I need from my support system.   I usually never ask for help but this time I will. I need to.  
Today, I take the first step. I hope that by this time next year, I will have achieved my goal. Otherwise, I know my friends and family will be attending my funeral.  And I really mean this.