Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spandex Isa

So there has been a little name change to this blog... it will now be Spandex Isa.  I think that is the most fitting name.  In college, I used to embarrass my friends by wearing spandex pants in SD to school.  But I think they will all agree that no one could pull that look off better than me.  That is not the case now... the thought of wearing them gives me anxiety of having major C_toe exposure. Anyways, I have also been asked about goals but I will dedicate another entry about that later.  I guess the ultimate goal is now to wear the little black spandex pants with the Kangoo Jumps.  For those who don't know, kangoo jumps are just as ridiculous as spandex pants and wearing them combined is worst.  I still have the kangoo jumps from my college years but not the black spandex pants so I guess I will have to buy myself a new pair once it is over.  I do promise to take photos around the world wearing them... OK so maybe not around the world but in front the White House will be a ridiculous shot... can't wait. Now off to the gym...


  1. I don't think I ever mocked you for the Spandex... but the Kangoo Jumps were pretty funny.

    Don't worry, the good news is that Spandex is in again! You will be stylish this time around. You are going to do great Isa. Love you friend!

  2. i got a visual of olivia newton john in those spandex pants she wore at the carnival in grease. duuuude, those pants wouldn't even fit over my arm.

    no uso el spandex porque se me ve toda mi conchita :)

  3. @E , thanks for your support.. Do you have a blog? I can't wait to hear about what you are going through these months... how exciting. I am trying to figure out how to add blogs to my reader list.
    @Cyn maybe I will be that for next halloween... I don't know if any amount of weight loss could get rid of the mexican concha :) We'll see I guess.
